Monday, April 28, 2008

Over the Hill to Aegeri Lake We Go

Village of Oberaegeri

The village of Walchwil, where I live, is located at the bottom of a small mountain (1400m). If you go up the hill to the Zugerberg plateau and down the other side you end up at the Aegerisee (Aegeri Lake for us German language impaired). Total ride was 40km with one hard climb of 350m.

The hill up from Walchwil to the plateau is tough. There are two routes up, the hard climb and the nasty climb. Since I'm just starting out my bike season I only took the hard one.

On the east side of the little lake of Aegeri - which is about 10km long - there are a few small villages:
  • Unteraegeri
  • Mittenageri
  • Oberaegeri
  • Morgarten
Morgarten is a famous location because that's where the Austrian's had their asses kicked by the Swiss in 1315. Austria had several 'barons' in Switzerland around that time managing lands and abbies. The swiss peasants versus the Austria knights was a sort of liberation battle for the Swiss. For more information about this ass-kicking see the Battle of Morgarten.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

It's green here and starting to smell like cow

Yesterday's ride was 35+km to and around the little village of Steinen. It was short and had some sections of climbing where the grade was 15+%. I have been through the village many times, but have never explored any of the side roads before yesterday. The town itself has a couple of bakeries, a hotel, and places to eat.

I road up and down several of the little roads in the village exploring the streets and town. The major new find for me was a road up to town of Sattel which is moderately steep (10% grade), but very nice and travels alongside a stream that comes down from Sattel to the lake of Laurez.

The theme for today's ride was farmers. The Swiss countryside is beautifully green and sprinkled with farms. Several places along the route farmers had their tractors stopped on the road and were clearing brush and grass. The smell of 'natural fertilizer' was in the air.

For a bit of change here is a google earth image of the ride:

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

First Ride Round the Rigi

Village of Weggis (photo taken from Bürgenstock by Sacha Ban)
Today's ride was an easy 65km ride around the Rigi Mountain. Part of the ride is alongside the scenic 'Vierwaldstättersee', or for us English speakers 'The Lake of The Four Forest Cantons'.

The lake is one of the largest and prettiest lakes in Switzerland. If you don't feel like biking alongside it there are beautiful boat rides to be had up and down the 40km, mountain surrounded, lake.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

There are days I love living in Switzerland

Village of Illgau

There are days I love living in Switzerland. Yesterday was one of those days. It was my third ride of the year, and my first challenging ride. About 1000m of climbing, over 50kms, on a few roads I had never been on.

Good rides for me combine exploring. Yesterday I visited an alpine village - Illgau - that is about 30kms from here that I had never been to. That is part of what I love about Switzerland; the great opportunities for exploring by bike. Illgau is a little town at about 850m, on a cliffside up in a quiet valley.

Here's my ride (you'll see a big straight line where I turned off my GPS at one point - oops).