Sunday, July 16, 2006

Look at me: Ain't my life interesting?

I figure I must have as much to say about the world from here in Switzerland as my blogging friends back in North America. I eat, drink, and sleep just like everybody else. How could that fail to make good reading? Without much ado let's begin.

One of the themes for me this summer is to explore all the nearby Swiss Alpine passes by road bike. There is a whole wack of them right nearby our place. They are big, beautiful, and nasty climbs. It is some of the most beautiful mountain road biking in the world. So why not chronicle the rides?

For those of you that use the Google Earth program here is a link that will show you all the passes:

Google Earth File ... Alpine Passes Near Zug.

The list of mountain passes, with height and difficulty rating, that I plan to ride this Summer are:

The 'd' number beside each pass is a difficulty rating based upon the height and the steepness of the climb. For example the Alpe D'Huez, one of the famous climbs from the Tour de France is 1091 metres and 124.81d. The Col de la Madeleine, another famous Tour de France climb, is 1553 metres and 158.92d.

I'll try to take a camera with me on the rides so I can post some pictures.


Anonymous said...

I did not have to create a blog to comment.

Don't choose anonymous, choose "other".

Anonymous said...

it would be more fun to hear about the swiss bikini team.

Sue said...

Very cool, Tony!! DO post pictures
of each pass as you go. We'd love
to see all the gorgeous views.

Grey House said...

kpHow do you create a club of blog users?

Anonymous said...

Tony, the infrequent blogger.